Are you looking for new opportunities or seeking talented individuals to join your team?
During ViBioM 2024, we will be hosting a job market for participants who are looking for a job or who are hiring.
If you want to participate, please send us a single slide including the following information to (Subject: ViBioM 2024 Job Market)
If you are open to work / looking for a job:
- A very short CV (who are you?)
- Which topic(s) are you interested in?
- When would you like to start? For how long?
- If you like, something personal (e.g. hobbies)
If you are hiring / looking for a new co-worker:
- A short description of the project / job
- A short description of your group
- Where is your group located?
- The level you are looking for (PhD student, PostDoc,…)
- Start and end date of the job
Please note, that job offers / requests can also always be sent to our EVBC job portal.